Our collection of English antique clocks - bracket clocks, longcase clocks and carriage clocks, and antique barometers includes the finest examples available over three centuries, from the reign of Charles II, through the Queen Anne & Georgian periods to that of Queen Victoria. Each item is in as near perfect condition as the passage of time has allowed and each one exemplifies the clockmaker's collaboration with the best designers, cabinetmakers and silversmiths of his day to create not only a functional timekeeper but also an item of enduring beauty.
Looking to Sell?
We are always seeking to purchase fine English antique clocks and antique barometers by important clockmakers. Please contact us for an appraisal, or send us photos of the pieces you wish to sell.
Clockmakers of Distinction
We have always specialised in those innovative clockmakers whose work influenced others, be it Tompion or the Knibb family from the 17th century, or Dent from the 19th century, items appreciated by the academic, the investor and those who gain pleasure from owning exceptional English antiques.
Our Specialties
17th, 18th and 19th Century antique English longcase clocks and bracket clocks and barometers and 19th Century English & French carriage clocks